Sunday 28 October 2012

Halloween Party!!!

So it turns out the past few weeks of manic making, worrying and getting stressed have been TOTALLY worth it!!! =D

The party was a huge success!! The munchkins had an absolute ball with their friends and the grown ups were full of compliments for all the spooky (home made) decor :)

Oh I do love it when a plan comes together - it fills me confidence which in turn gives me a rush of fresh inspiration. So after spending the past week desperate for the post Halloween break, I'm now actually itching to get the next project started lol

Now for the down side (well I did say huge success not complete success) :(

Unfortunately I left my bro in charge of the camera during the party and didn't check the settings first!!!

I could hardly contain my excitement, waiting for the pics to load on the laptop, it seemed like a lifetime - then when they did I was faced with pictures that looked more like hang over flash backs after a night on the town - a complete blur - I am absolutely gutted :(

Out of approx 100 pics I have managed to just about rescue the following few ...

Yep - that's me tending to my witches brew (chilli) hehe

My Amazing nan (and costume contest judge for the day) getting into the spirit :)

 Fear not.... 

I WILL take pics of some of the decor...

AFTER the clean up operation!!!

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